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Introduction to my reviews

Like a few college kids, I took campus living as an opportunity to step away from my mom’s nagging voice telling me I’ve spent too much time in front of a screen.  Heck, with no one to tell me to keep things down, I could play video games well into the night.  But, like many, many college kids, I soon learned that once you buy your computer, buy your books, pay your rent, and get boned by Comcast’s internet “deals,” there really isn’t much money left to buy said games.

To combat this, I have taken the time to play and review a modest amount of FTP, or free-to-play, online computer games.  A note on the FTP: you will see lots of similar all-caps letters that I’ll explain along the way.  Anyway, feel free to check out the games I’ve checked out, and if you like them, play them yourself.